Author – Awadhesh Sharma
In the prehistoric period, Brahma created a number of Prajapatis, lords of creation that included Marichi. Marichi’s son Kashyap with his wife Aditi produced numerous sons including Vivasman or Surya. Vivasman’s son Manu became the first human on the earth. Manu had a son named Ikshvaku and a daughter called Ila. Ikshvaku became the progenitor of the solar dynasty. Ila was married to Buddha, the son of Moon, and became the originator of lunar dynasty.
Manu had established a city named Ayodhya, the invincible city, on the banks of River Sarayu. Ayodhya became the capital of solar dynasty kings. The solar dynasty ruled for thousands of years and attained great feats.
Many celebrated kings were born in the solar dynasty. Raghu, the son of king Dilip was one of them. He expanded the kingdom in all directions and performed the Visvajit Yagya, the sacrifice of world victory. His lineage is identified by his name as Raghuvansh, dynasty of Raghu. Raghu’s son AJa was father of Dasharath.

Dashrath’s son Ram was the most illustrious king of the solar dynasty. The events relating to him occurred during the Tretayug, the second epoch of traditional Hindu almanac. Physical objects referring to his accomplishments mostly disappeared over time but stories of his life and achievements continued to survive through oral tradition. Later, scholars recorded these stories and legends in writing.
Ancient poets wrote Ram’s story in Sanskrit. Valmiki was the first poet who wrote Ram’s story, entitled the Ramayan. The Mahabharat contains a large chapter on Ram known as Ramopakhyan. Kalidas wrote Raghuvansham that describes twenty-nine kings of solar dynasty including Ram.
Subsequently, scholars and sages composed the retelling of the Ramayan in regional languages. For example, Kamban composed the Tamil Ramayan in twelfth century. Krittibas Ojha wrote the Bengali Ramayan in fourteen century and Tulasidas wrote Ramcharit Manas in Hindi in the sixteenth century. These books became literally classics in their own right.
Ramayan became a sacred text and Ram attained the status of an incarnation of Vishnu, the preserver and protector of the universe. Originating in oral traditions and subsequently attaining the sacred status, the story of Ram had evolved over time. Variations in certain narratives, making the text relevant to prevailing social and cultural environment, are not uncommon in different retellings of the Ramayan.
After enlightenment, Valmiki wished to know from sage Narad whether there was a person with all the good qualities alive in the world. He then enumerated the attributes, which included integrity, bravery, righteousness, gratitude, truthfulness, dedication to one’s principles, flawless character, compassion for all living beings, learning, skill, beauty, a pleasing appearance, courage, radiance, control over anger and desires, lack of jealousy at all times and undaunted heroism which can frightened even the celestials.
Narad responded saying that it was difficult to find all these qualities in a single being, but he knew one such person. He was Ram, a king in the line of Ikshvaku. Then he began the legend of Ram who was as noble as the mighty ocean, as powerful as Vishnu, as steadfast as the Himalayas, handsome as the Moon, patient as the Earth, generous as Kuber, just as Dharma, and if rage is aroused, then he became like the fire at the end of the Time.
Ram was the son of Kaushalya, one of three wives of king Dasharath. With his conduct, Ram became the darling of the king and all the three queens.
After the Yagyopavit rite, he was sent to Gurukul, the school run by the royal priest Vashishth. At Gurukul, he studied under the guidance of erudite teachers. After graduation, Ram returned home as adolescent.
Sometime later, sage Vishvamitra arrived at Dasharath’s court requesting the king to send Ram with him to protect his sacred ritual from Rakshasas. Ram went with the sage accompanied by his brother Lakshman.
Vishvamitra taught the brothers many new spells and skills. Ram learnt how to survive without food and water. He learnt how to set a tree aflame and bore a hole in the ground by an arrow, and many other abilities that were useful.
Along the way, they encountered Tadaka, a matriarch of Rakshasas. She and her sons Marich and Subahu used to harass Visvamitra. Ram killed her when she attacked the troika. He also killed Subahu and hurled Marich a long distance away with his blunted arrow, when they tried to obstruct Vishvamitra from performing his rites.
After completing their mission to protect the sage’s rituals, Ram and Lakshman started for Janakpur with Vishvamitra. En route to Janakpur, Ram with a touch of his foot transformed Ahilya from a stone into a beautiful woman.
In Janakpur, Ram attended the Svayamvar, which was held for Sita, daughter of king Janak of Mithila. Stringing the bow of Shiva was the condition to qualify to wed Sita. After fulfilling the condition of the Svayamvar, Ram married Sita. He tactfully pacified Parashuram who tried to intimidate him for breaking Shiva’s bow. After the wedding, they returned to Ayodhya.
Dasharath decided to crown Ram to the throne of Ayodhya. With approval of priests, ministers and representatives of subjects, the preparation for coronation began.
Manthara, a maidservant of Kaikeyi poisoned her mind against Ram’s coronation. Kaikeyi demanded fulfilment of the two boons that Dasharath had granted her earlier, and asked him to crown her son Bharat to the throne of Ayodhya and send Ram as an ascetic into the forest for fourteen years.
Dasharath was devastated to hear the atrocious demand. When Ram learnt about it, he immediately decided to uphold his father’s promise to Kaikeyi. He declined his impending crowning and sought permission from his parents to go into exile.
Ram wore an ascetic robe and departed for the forest. His wife Sita and brother Lakshman also accompanied him. On the way, Ram stayed overnight at Shringerpur where he met his Gurukul friend Guha.
The next day, they crossed the River Ganga and visited sage Bharadwaj at his Ashram in Prayagraj. From there, they proceeded to Chitrakut. There they made their hermitage on the banks of River Mandakini.
Dasharath could not bear his separation from Ram and passed away. Bharat who was far away at his maternal uncle’s house was brought to Ayodhya. He refused to accept the crown and went to meet Ram. He requested him to return and take care of the ancestor’s kingdom. Ram declined and persuaded Bharat to become king on his behalf. He gave Bharat his Paduka, wooden sandal, which became the symbol of Ram’s authority.
Soon Ram moved away from Chitrakut and ventured towards the Dandak forest. Rakshasas had infiltrated the forest and oppressed the weak, sages and civilised humans. They acted on the direction of their king Ravan, who was based in Lanka. Ravan had tormented the whole civilised world. Sages and deities were praying for his demise.
Ram visited the hermitage of sage Atri and paid respect to him and his wife Anusuya. Further on the way, Ram encountered Rakshas Viradh who attacked him and his brother. Ram killed him.
Ram learnt about sage Sharabhang and visited him. Soon after meeting Ram, the sage left the world. Many other sages were gathered there. They informed Ram about the transgressions of Rakshasas in the forest and showed him piles of human skeletons that displayed their atrocities. Ram pledged to make the forest free from Rakshasas. He roamed the forest and destroyed them wherever he encountered one. Sages started assuming Ram a divine incarnation that offered them protection.
Ram visited sage Sutikshan and his teacher Agastya. Agastya offered him Mantras and enchanted weapons, which would help him destroy Rakshasas in the future. On his advice, Ram built his Ashram at Panchvati on the banks of River Godavari. There, Ram met vulture Jatayu who became his friend.
Once Surpanakha, a sister of Ravan, saw Ram near his Ashram. She approached Ram and asked him to marry her. As he was already married, he refused, as did Lakshman. Snubbed, Surpanakha tried to harm Sita who was standing nearby. Noticing her transgression, Lakshman cut off her nose.
Surpanakha instigated Khar, the commander of Ravan’s forces in the region to avenge her mutilation. Ram destroyed Khar, Dushan and Trisira and their army who came to fight against him.
Surpanakha then went to Ravan and enticed him to abduct Sita to avenge her humiliation. Ravan agreed to her scheme. With the help of Marich, he abducted Sita from her Ashram, brought her to Lanka and kept her captive in Ashokvan. During the abduction, Ram had gone to capture the golden dear, the disguised Marich. Ram killed him.
When Ram returned to the hermitage, he noticed Sita missing. He and Lakshman searched for her in all the places where Sita could be. They saw Jatayu who had tried to free her from Ravan but was fatally wounded. Ram performed last rites for Jatayu following his death.
During the search for Sita, Ram met Rakshasa Kabandh. He was released from the curse after being killed by Ram and directed him to see Sabari, a female devotee. Ram visited her. She was so engrossed in devotion to Ram that she offered berries defiled by her eating but Ram relished them.
On her advice, Ram headed towards Rishyamuk peaks, where Sugreev used to live with his advisers. Sugreev sent Hanuman to enquire about the wandering ascetics. Later, Ram met Sugreev with the help of Hanuman.
Sugreev was always afraid of his brother Bali who had usurped his wife. Ram noticed the injustice done to him and promised to help him recover his wife. Ram established a friendship with Sugreev. Sugreev also pledged to help Ram find Sita.
To convince Sugreev of his capabilities to overcome Bali, Ram kicked the skeleton of a dead buffalo with his toe and later pierced seven palm trees in a row with a single arrow.
Ram killed Bali and made Sugreev the king of forest dwellers. Sugreev arranged for Sita’s search and finally Hanuman located and met her in Ashokvan in Lanka. Ram, with the help of Vanaras and Bhalus, organised a huge army and constructed a bridge over the sea.
He crossed the sea with his army and challenged Ravan. Subsequently he killed Ravan, and all his associates were also killed in the war. He installed Vibhishan, Ravan’s pious brother, on the throne of Lanka.
Sita was released from captivity and brought to Ram. On his instruction, Sita completed the Agni Pariksha. The exile period was about to finish. Ram, Sita and Lakshman along with his supporters returned to Ayodhya. Ram was crowned the king of Ayodhya. He ruled his kingdom with Dharma. His rule is known as Ramrajya.
Additional texts including the exile of Sita during her pregnancy, birth of her twin sons Lav and Kush, Ashvamedh Yagya, Sita’s entry to the Earth, and Ram’s entry to River Sarayu are included in some versions of the Ramayan.
The victory of Ram over Ravan is celebrated as Dashahara or Vijaya Dashami. Ram’s return to Ayodhya is celebrated as Diwali, the festival of lights. His birthday is celebrated as Ram Navami.
The name Ram commanded reverence and continues to do so in many countries, religions and civilisations. Ram is the royal name of kings in Thailand. Jain Tirthankars claimed to be born in solar dynasty and were related to Ram. Buddha was Ram in his previous life as per Jatak stories. Sikhs revere Ram as God.
AbRam, later called Abraham, is the common patriarch of Abrahamic religions. Ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilisations worshipped the solar deity and Egyptians called him Ra(m). Ram(esses) kings ruled over ancient Egypt. Available sources indicate the spread of ideals of Ram worldwide in ancient time.
Participation of people from all over the world in construction of Shree Ram Mandir in Ayodhya displays universal admiration for Ram.
Hindus worship Ram as an incarnation of Vishnu. Numerous temples with Ram Durbar can be found around the globe. He symbolises Indian ideals and is called Maryada Purushottam, the Perfect person.